While strength training influences the muscles, above all, and passive structures (bones, tendons, joints), endurance training causes changes in the cardiovascular system and in metabolism. Largely, risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and increased cholesterol values can be influenced significantly.
Did you know?
Lowering your heart rate by 10 beats per minute due to a training program saves nearly 15% of oxygen. At the same time, this means that the heart has to perform nearly 15,000 less beats in 24 hours. Reducing weight by 1kg leads to a decrease of blood pressure by 2 mmHg.
What does endurance training mean?
Endurance is generally defined as the ability to withstand an effort as long as possible or to defer the loss of power due to fatigue for a long time. In order to set a minimum training stimulus, healthy people must move at least 1/6 to 1/7 of their total body mass over a certain period of time.
In contrast to previous scientific consensus, more and more evidence is found in COPD patients which indicates that also training with weight machines and - with increasing degree of severity - training of ADL can present a cardiovascular stimulus.