About the Author

Autor Dr. Oliver Göhl

Dr. Oliver Christian Göhl, born 1973 in Schweinfurt (Germany) is a qualified sports scientist and sports therapist. He finished his doctorate (Benefits of a Multimodular Outpatient Training Program for Patients with COPD) with summa cum laudae.

Besides his work at Therapiezentrum Schmerz-Weg (Germany), he was an executive member of the board of "AG-Lungensport in Deutschland e.V." and "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Atemmuskeltraining" as well as a member of the scientific advisory board of the "Selbsthilfegruppe Mailingliste Lungenemphysem COPD Deutschland e.V." and of the "Deutsche Emphysemgruppe e.V." His practical experience as a therapist goes along with numerous publications about training with COPD. He has lectured at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg and Philipps-University Marburg.

About the Book

COPD - What next?
This book covers a wide range, from basic aspects regarding the structure and function of the lung, an explanation of the diagnosis, to medical and non-medical treatment. More than 140 figures and 80 tables illustrate information on COPD as well as options in individual disease management. Additionally, you will find practical advice and interesting facts concerning your lung and your daily routine with COPD that may suprise you. This book is directed at patients and their relatives as well as health care professionals and everyone who is interested in finding out more about COPD.

Training in COPD - Book Cover

Training in COPD - a practical guide to promoting self-help
by Dr. Oliver Göhl

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